Monday, November 30, 2009

Tanto pra dizer,
e saber que palavras nao sao suficiente,
Tanto pra ouvir,
e nao saber por onde,
Tanto pra sentir,
e nao saber por onde comecar,
Tanto pra chorar,
e saber que lagrimas nao sao suficiente,
Tanto pra fugir,
e mesmo assim nao enxergar pra onde,
Um dia voce me disse: voa comigo...
e ai voce virou e foi pra outra direcao me deixando em um voo solo....
Tanta coisa...
Tudo perdido, sem sentido....
Tanto pra amar,
e saber que amar nao e suficiente,
"A hundred days have made me older
Since the last time that I saw your pretty face
A thousand lies have made me colder
And I don't think I can look at thi the same"
You told me: Come with me, let's fly....
And I belived you,
Now you tell me: I'm sorry, I was wrong....
Well, I'm sorry too, this bring tears to my eyes
And You will never know how much... because I will not let you...

1 comment:

  1. Here you come with a burst of wrath
    Words of fear, rage, anger and death
    My inner burning fire hungers for a fight
    I knee to the angels asking for a light
    Fury suddenly vanishes in the room
    Cleansed by heavens mighty broom
    Then a war march becomes a walk
    No more attacks or blames, just talk
    Silence covers all the room in the end
    This is true life with no more pretend
    The sun rises shinning the entire land
    And I realized that I gained a true friend
